@inbook{176, author = {Stephen Macedo}, title = {Classical Liberalism: CLASSICAL LIBERALISM, DEMOCRACY, AND MORALITY}, abstract = {

Classical liberalism is part of a broader family of liberal views. Most of those who call themselves {\textquotedblleft}liberals{\textquotedblright} nowadays, especially in the United States, are on the more progressive part of the political spectrum and favor a strong role for government in the economy to regulate products and work conditions and promote a fair (or at least decent) distribution of market rewards, among other things. Classical liberalism represents older strains of the tradition that espouse constitutionally limited government, the rule of law, protections for private property, and laissez-faire or {\textquotedblleft}free market{\textquotedblright} economic policies. Classical liberals join other liberals in arguing

}, year = {2024}, pages = {55{\textendash}78}, publisher = {Brookings Institution Press}, isbn = {9781538188897}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7864/jj.11103049.7}, }